About Janice Bowles

To Be Sorted Summer 2011 002

I grew up in hot, humid Beaumont, Texas and the first chance I got, moved to Southern California, where I currently reside. What can I say? The amazing weather, beautiful mountains, sparkling ocean in this part of the country are perfect for me.

After graduating from The University of Texas at Austin with a B.A. in psychology, I earned an M.A. in Marriage & Family Therapy, and a license to practice from the State of California. For the next twenty or so years, I did counseling and psychotherapy which I found to be very fulfilling because I love helping people.

When counseling wound down, I fulfilled a lifelong interest in dance and fitness by opening an exercise & dance studio. Utilizing my extensive training in the dance arts, as well as certifications in health and fitness from the University of California San Diego, and The American Counsel on Exercise, I helped people achieve their fitness goals, and have a lot of fun doing it.

For a time, I also worked as a consultant for Research & Consulting International, a firm that utilized opinion surveys to help their clients improve employee morale and productivity. RCI’s clients included some of the world’s largest organizations across all major industry groups, and it was satisfying to bring my clinical skills into the business world and be of service in a different way.

My recently published book, The Affair: From Breakdown to Breakthrough, A Therapist’s Real-Life Journey offers many tips and insights about relationships and can be bought on Amazon worldwide websites (such as amazon.com).

Currently, I am available for coaching and teaching classes on relationships and can be reached at jb@adventures-in-love.com